Jennifer Kielich Photography

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Let's Get Dressed Together! What To Wear For Family Photos : Spring/Summer 2023

The age old question. The most stressful part of the whole process (usually)…. WHAT DO WE WEAR???

I totally understand, and I’ve got you covered. I’m going to walk you through it from start to finish, and give you plenty of examples along the way.

First and foremost, I’ll usually pick ONE statement piece. One outfit that I totally love and want to center everybody else’s outfits around. This somehow usually ends up being one of the kiddos’ outfits, but don’t forget about yourself! Is there a piece on the list that you love for YOU that will make YOU feel a little more confident on picture day? If so, START WITH THAT ONE. I’ve put together a pretty little mood board with mostly current wardrobe options that you can click and purchase right now if you’d like. Spring and Summer are warmer months here in Tampa, so I’ve kept that in mind, but click and explore and see where the algorithm takes you! Find your statement piece! I’ve linked the board below or you :)

For example, I’m starting with this cute little outfit (for a little girl):

After you have your statement piece, pick 2-3 colors that you want to use across the board. In my example, I’ve kept to pinks and greens that have earthy tonal qualities. Keep in mind that you may want to hang the final product in frames around your house, so make sure you pick colors that will look good as part of your home’s decor. Your statement piece should obviously jibe with these colors as well. Now, start shopping for everyone else using varying shades of that color pallet, and be sure to mix it up with patterns and solids (typically 1-2 patterned pieces are plenty). You also want to make sure that you incorporate a LOT of neutral pieces as well. You don’t want everyone wearing nothing but the colors you chose. You want pops of those colors amongst neutral options like denim, khaki, and cream.

Once you’ve made your selections, lay everything out together on the bed or the floor so you can see how it all looks together. This is where you’ll start accessorizing and layering. Is there a cardigan you can throw over someone that will help everything blend? Do you need an extra splash of color in your earrings or necklace? Don’t forget about shoes (unless we’re shooting at the beach of course)! Textures and layers and pops of color here and there will really help the over-all aesthetic of your family’s photos, so take your time and have some fun!

At this point, you should be good to go. But you can always send me a picture of your wardrobe ahead of time, and I’ll be happy to give you my 2 cents. I also have an online styling tool that I give all of my clients access to that makes this part a piece of cake. You literally just tell it the age and gender of everyone being photographed, pick a couple of colors, and let the algorithm show you a bunch of really cool options. You can select everyone’s outfits, see them side by side, and even order them online directly from that site. The link and access code to utilize this tool is included in my Welcome Guide and most of my clients really love it :) Big thanks to Style and Select for making that site a reality!

My last little piece of advice doesn’t really involve wardrobe, but it is important! Make sure everyone’s hair appointments are scheduled 2-3 weeks before the shoot. Far enough ahead of time that you have a chance to settle into your look, but not so long that mama has roots showing.

OK! I think you’re ready to do this! Give yourself plenty of time to plan, and have fun! Text me photos if you need to, and I’ll see you on session day!